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Vicky McFarland

Children's writer and storyteller.

About Me

Vicky has over fifteen years experience telling stories to children in festivals, schools, libraries and online. Over the last few years Vicky has been developing sensory stories for children and adults with sensory needs. 

In 2017 Vicky won the National Literacy Trust's short story prize for reimagined fairytales. Her story The Giant's Child was published by Bloomsbury in an e-book anthology 'Once Upon A Fairytale: The stories you were never told.' Vicky also has a story in North Star, Women Aloud's very own anthology of short stories and poems.

Vicky has written professionally for, BBC Teach, BBC Writersroom and Anorak Magazine. She is currently working on a middle grade fantasy novel with an eco twist.

Vicky is originally from the south of England but now lives in Larne, Co. Antrim with her husband and two children. 

Professional Services

Live and virtual storytelling for children and adults

Creative writing workshops for kids


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